The donors, donor agencies, well wishers, and contributors of our trust are contributing us through cash and/or in kind.
Likewise, we would like to request our other well wishers and contributors to come forward and give monthly, quarterly, or yearly donations to our trust. If they are willing to make a lump sum amount, exceeding to Rs.100,000 (point one million), we would give him or her the status of patron of our trust. If any donor or contributor is ready to make donation exceeding to Rs.1,000,000 (one million), he or she would be given the status of Ambassador of our trust.
The trust also accepts the new or used furniture, new or used autos exclusively the vans for our dispensaries and for the promotion of education, as well as we are in dire need of pieces of plots at roadside or near the road to construct our regional, provincial, and national level offices not only in Pakistan, even in other parts of the world.
We again request to kindly come forward and extend your every possible support and financial assistance for the cause of service to humanity. If you are ready and have passion to extend your support, kindly contact at our office address, or on phone, or on cell phone, or on fax, or on email address whichever is convenient for you:
Mr. Khurram Hussain
Coordinator UHRCP
Suite 6, Shalimar Heights,
Main University Road,
Adjacent to Resham Bazar,
Gulshan-e Iqbal,