Universal Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (UHRCP) aims to focus its efforts in multi-dimensional areas, exclusively in the field of education, as the objective of all nations across the world is that, they strive to give quality education to their new generation, with a view to equip their younger generation with the most latest fields of education, which have far more scope in their professional fields of life.
To promote this cause, UHRCP has decided to shoulder the responsibility of establishing the schools from prep and KG to high school level in all urban as well as rural areas in all provinces of Pakistan including Azad Kashmir and FATA. Initially, we would focus our services in our country, yet later on we would extend our services to other parts of the world either (yet that is subject to availability of funds).
It is deeply felt by the management of our TRUST that the quality education is not afforded by the less privileged segment of our country, thus the management of the trust has decided that, those who can't afford the cost of education, they would be given opportunity to avail the quality education catered by UHRCP, so that nobody could be neglected from their due right of education. These services would be provided purely on humanitarian grounds, as our trust focuses on its mandate regardless of cast, creed, and religion.
Special focus would be given on the students, to prepare them, as leaders of tomorrow and would be given the training that they could work on humanitarian basis, and exclusively they could promote peace and harmony, among the people of cross communities of all over the world.
These schools would not only focus on fields of education, which are currently being taught in the schools, even it would focus on technical education either, such as, avionic studies, commerce and banking, information technology with exclusively focus on basic, intermediate, and advanced courses in software and hardware areas. In addition to these, these schools would also focus on physical health, so that, the students should not only be given the best education, even their health could be brought to the level, that they could appear the brilliant students of our schools, operating under the banner of UHRCP.